Search genome annotations using a gene/protein name or the gene's locus tag
Further narrow your results by specifying a specific strain OR species.
Search annotations using a wider range of search fields including function, GO terms, pathway names, PMIDs and cross-references.
Return a list of genes that have transposon mutants, human homologs, 3D structures or are known drug targets.
Return a list of genes of a specific subcellular localization
Return a list of genes having a specified range for gene length
Strain-specific search of pathways obtained from multiple sources using various approaches (e.g. manual curation, automatic assignment by sequence similarity,etc).
Sources of pathway data include KEGG, PseudoCAP, PseudoCyc and UniPathway.
Gene Ontology (GO) Term Annotations
Returns a strain-specific list of GO annotations obtained from multiple sources using various approaches (e.g. manual curation, automatic assignment by sequence similarity,etc).
Search the log of all annotations updates made based on manual curation, primarily those involving the P. aeruginosa PAO1 genome.